Sunday, 29 September 2019

Tasha Dobbs + Lion bitesNew Clothes

Ann, here's your Lion Bites daily prophetic word for Monday 30 September 19
Garments of Heaven
Take off those old tattered clothes and dress yourself in the garments of Heaven and jewels of the Kingdom. Say goodbye to that which no longer fits; which no longer keeps you warm in the changing of the seasons. New Means New. No more recycling. No more re-adjusting. No more fixing. Dress yourself in the brand-new garment of Heaven!
Matthew 9:16
No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse.
After reading this message it made me think of a video by Tasha Dobbs. She speaks about some of us still walking around with our grave clothes on. It's a powerful video. Here is the video

Then I got this in an e-mail just now from The Prophetic Centre. .Lion bites....

Message from God

Today, Annie, God wants you to know that it's time to STOP going through the motions of living, and START living.

Are you willing to do that now? Or are you going to wait until all life energy drains out of you and your loved ones who are trying to support you at this very moment? You were not born to follow rules and regulations. Living starts with dreaming. So dream, dream friend, and let dreams show you the path to your bliss.

I have been stuck since the boys have died. Also my situations with Taw and Declan have been holding me back that's why I love this video by Tasha Cobbs. 

It's time to move the stones away that's blocking my light to Jesus and from living!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Do not be silent...let your voice be heard x

Ann, here's your Lion Bites daily prophetic word for Thursday 26 September 19

Do Not Be Silent

My voice will be heard in the nation! Above the voices that babble and clamour, my voice will be heard. My children do not be silent. Speak up as I show you. Do not hold back. My Word is ready to be released. My Word destroys chaos.
Partner with Me. Be confident in Me. As you speak, I will back you up and I will manifest My power.
Psalm 29:8-9 
The voice of the Lord strikes with flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in His temple all cry, “Glory!”
Esther 4:14
For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

Friday, 27 September 2019

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Rick Warren Devotional : Esther

What Will You Do with What You’ve Been Given?

Do you know what God created you for? Do you know what your destiny is?

In order to fulfill your destiny, you must recognize the gifts God has given you to use. These are the cards you are dealt in life. They include the things you can’t control: your parents, your nationality, your race, your native language. They also include your SHAPE: your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality, and experiences. These are the things that make you uniquely you.

Now, you are not responsible for the gifts God didn’t give you. In other words, if you are not artistically gifted, you are not expected to paint pictures like Rembrandt. But you are responsible for the ones he did give you.

When you get to Heaven, God isn’t going to compare you with anyone else, but he will compare you with yourself. What did you do with what you were given? What could you have done if you had trusted God a little bit more? Romans 14:12 says, “Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” (NIV).

Esther had three assets that God gave her to use to fulfill her destiny. She was intelligent, beautiful, and she had an attractive personality. Because of these qualities, “Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her …. She won [the king’s] favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen” (Esther 2:15b, 17).

God gave Esther these gifts for a purpose. God has given you gifts for a purpose. And just like Esther, you have a responsibility to be a good steward of those gifts — not for selfish uses but for the good of others. Your gifts are not for your benefit. God gave you gifts for the benefit of other people.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Peter 4:10 NIV

So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

Romans 14:12 NIV

When the turn came for Esther (the young woman Mordecai had adopted, the daughter of his uncle Abihail) to go to the king, she asked for nothing other than what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the harem, suggested. And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her.

Esther 2:15 NIV


         Found this photo on this link   December 26th LIFE IS LONG—IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT  “It’s not at all that we have too...