Thursday, 25 July 2019

My Health This Morning 26th July 2019

This morning I awoke with pains in my stomach and chest and feeling nauseated, and I asked God to guide me too an answer to ease the pain.

I have a book by Louise Hay "Heal Your Body" but I haven't paid much attention to it because of what some ladies said at church.

But this morning I was guided to see what it had to say about theses pains. I was trying to look for Hiatus Hernia but it wasn't in the book so i looked up Stomach problems.

Here's what the old thought pattern for stomach problems was. Also under stomach problems I had to look up the thought pattern for Gastritis. Which I do have.

Old Thought Pattern: Dread, Fear of the new. Inability to assimilate the new.
New Thought Pattern: Life agrees with me, I assimilate the new every moment of every day. All is well.

Old Thought Pattern: Prolonged uncertainty. A feeling of Doom.
New Thought Pattern: I love and approve of myself. I am safe.

Then I don't know why but I google Louise hay Hiatus Hernia because it was that what was giving me all this pain,

"Dear Louise,
and I found this 😁
I’d really appreciate it if you would tell me a probable cause and new thought pattern for Hiatus Hernia and acid reflux. -Lynne"

Dear Lynne,
Hiatus hernia is creating and carrying mental burdens that make it impossible for you to relax. The same with acid reflux; it’s just fearful thoughts that tie your stomach up in knots.

 I may sound like a broken record saying the same thing over and over, but most of our problems come from not allowing ourselves to breathe deeply and fully, and refusing to stay in the now.

Many, many times during the day, and before you go to sleep, take slow, deep breaths. Bring your attention to the present moment. Don’t think about the past or future.

Say to yourself: In this moment all is well. I am safe. There is nowhere I have to go and nothing I have to do. I relax my body and my mind. I am grateful for this moment.
This will break the pattern of incessant worry.
*** Louise

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Andy Stanley

Our need of supervision may someday come to an end if we silence the toxic voices that come from within

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

If it was too easy!!!!!

Stay in the game till it's over Wednesday 3rd July 2019 'The Lord is the strength of my life.' Psalm 27:1 NKJV
Author Jon Gordon says: 'There was a time [as children] when we jumped from the jungle gym and went on roller coaster rides.
No goal was unattainable. Then [when we grew up] the doubters dissuaded us from going after our dreams..."You're's too it safe...dreams weren't meant for people like us."
They instilled their insecurities in us...and with so many people saying we can't...and so few saying we can, we let fear into our lives.
We're so scared of losing what we have that we don't go after what we want.
We hold on so tightly to the status quo that we never experience what could be...I call this "playing to lose".
We see it in sports. When a team has the lead, they start thinking about how not to lose instead of how to win.
They play safe and scared while the other team takes chances, plays without fear, and wins.
David said, "The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid" (Psalm 27:1 NKJV)?
Living a life [of faith] means overcoming fear and adopting a "play to win" that says even if you do fail you won't give up or let your dreams die.
Success isn't automatically given to us, it's pursued with all the energy and sweat we can muster.
Obstacles and struggles are part of life...they make us appreciate success.
If everything came easy we'd never know how it feels to succeed. (This is exactly what I was thinking yesterday. If life was to would be too easy to forget God)
Obstacles were meant to be overcome. Fear was meant to be conquered. Success was meant to be achieved.
They're part of life, and those who succeed refuse to give up till the game is over.'


         Found this photo on this link   December 26th LIFE IS LONG—IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT  “It’s not at all that we have too...