Sunday, 26 January 2020

Sunday 26th January 2020

1. Receive.

Prepare your heart to hear from God. Try a simple prayer like this…
Heavenly Father, please help me understand this Bible verse.
…and then read the Verse of the Day. We’ll use today’s verse as our example:
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
JOHN 15:2

2. Reflect.

Ask yourself what this verse might be trying to say, and think deeply on your answers. Here are just a few examples we might get from today’s verse:
Jesus expects me to share my faith with other people.
When I demonstrate God’s love, that draws others to Him.
I should work to remove things from my life that don’t show God’s love.
It is often through challenges that God grows my capacity to love others.

3. Respond.

Use this verse as the basis for a prayer, maybe something like this:
Lord, please give me the courage and opportunity to share your love with other people. Please show me which areas of my life aren’t bearing fruit.

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