Prepare your heart to hear from God. Try a simple prayer like this…
Heavenly Father, please help me understand this Bible verse.
…and then read the Verse For Today :
Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else . Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance.
1 Corinthians 13:4 TPT
Ask yourself what this verse might be trying to say, and think deeply on your answers. Here are just a few examples we might get from today’s verse........
Jesus expects me to share my faith with other people.
When I demonstrate God’s love, that draws others to Him.
I should work to remove things from my life that don’t show God’s love.
It is often through challenges that God grows my capacity to love others.
Oh how this is so for me at the moment. I am challenged just now with loving other people that I don't like. But as it say God let's it rain on the just and the unjust.
I have not to judge anyone. As it said at the Bible Study for the book of James "We are sinning when we judge" Only one person can judge and that's God
And I love the passion version of this verse especially this part
"Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance."
I feel as though I'm trying to make myself better than them while I am a sinner myself. There was only one perfect person on this planet and He was crucified for our sins.
I feel as though I'm trying to make myself better than them while I am a sinner myself. There was only one perfect person on this planet and He was crucified for our sins.
Use this verse as the basis for a prayer.
Thank you Lord for opening my eyes and connecting my head to my heart and showing me how to love unconditionally like your Son Jesus.
Also Lord I want to thank you for learning me lessons not to be jealous. Because jealousy can harden your heart and make you bitter.
Because it is our thinking that must be renewed because God has placed a new heart in us and we don't want to damage it with negative thoughts.
This is the longest journey anyone will take is the 9inchs from our heads to our hearts.
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