Dear Father in the Name of Jesus,
This is the day the Lord as made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!
So often we want to ridicule, judge, blame, and put down others without taking a deep look into our own hearts. Jesus stated it simply when he said, “First pull out the mote from your own eye, before you attempt to pull the speck from your brother’s eye. Without a pure heart and spiritual vision that is undergirded by love, how can we clearly see or even know God’s will? Even Jesus asked the disciples, “Who made me a judge or ruler over you?” Father, forgive us.
Even within the church, Father, there is so much negativity and hate. Yet Jesus tells us, there is none perfect but God. For this reason, Christ taught mercy, for none of us knows the heart of another. Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin, throw the first stone."
Heavenly Father, we have all been guilty of these sins. But if we are to be victorious, before we can lead others, we must rule over ourselves. Our spiritual journey is our own responsibility. It is before God that we stand or fall, and make an account for how we have lived our own lives.
Whether we have been hurt, wronged or disappointed, the way we choose to react tells more about us and the condition of our hearts, than it does about our brothers and sisters, for all they did was reveal what was already there.
2 Corinthians tells us to purify our hearts of all that contaminates our bodies and spirits perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. Repentance is more than an act of salvation, because we need to die daily to the mindsets and behaviors that bind us to the principles of this world.
Heavenly Father, today, we come to you with a heart of repentance asking you to forgive us, once again, for the hardening and waywardness of our hearts. Father, in the name of Christ, break up that fallow ground and replace it with a foundation of love, power, and truth.
We invite the Holy Spirit into our minds and hearts once more, washing away all darkness that has tainted our robes of righteousness. For we know that when we are confident towards God, we can ask for anything, and God, you will grant it.
In this time of universal turmoil, we need your power to pull down the strong holds of evil. We desire to decrease so that a larger portion of your spirit may live in us and through us. Holy Spirit, we need you like never before if we are to stand and do the works of Christ. Without you, our work is in vain, and we may coward in fear and defeat.
Father, we thank you for rising up a strong, powerful, and spiritual army to desecrate the works of the enemy. The Bible tells us that is not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Heavenly Father, I want more of you in my life. I want to experience you in bigger and greater ways. I desire to enlist in your army and to fight this fight of faith.
Father fill me now to overflowing. Search my heart, oh God, and if there be any wicked way in me, cleanse me, transform me, and restore me to wholeness as well as holiness. Prepare me for the battle that is to come. Just as you encouraged Joshua, I will be courageous, and I will not faint. Your perfect love casts out fear and it can never fail!
Thank you, Father, for restoring me to wholeness in the precious name of Jesus!
This is my prayer and declaration for today! Amen!