Page 10...Todays verse is Exodus 14:14
I like the NLT version "The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.
This is my problem, when anything happens to me, I react with anger.
when I was listening to today meditation for Exodus 14:14 this stood out. The time on the video 9:53
"Oh my dear friends in the faith. I know all too well how tempting otis to take matters onto your own hands. It didnt work out well for me and it wont work for you. So remember the Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.
Then a picture popped up on my phone from a couple of years back. It was a picture of a video study by Andy Stanley
And on the pictures were 4 discussion points--
1. Describe your relationship with anger?
3. Do you shout out or shat up
3. what / who are your triggers? }
4. Are you ready to acknowledge the part of the problemm, is youre not getting what you want-I think I need to watch this study again
Also when I was looking on google I found this site so-buble-verses for-
when youre- overthinking
The writer of the blog is called Jen and she was writting about overthinking and I can relate so much to this-This is my biggest problem, as the girl says on the blog "My mind does a funny thing when it freaks out. It decides to take a perfectly normal situation, and comes up with about seven different things that could go wrong out of it.
The title of the Blog is "What you Make of it" Discover your incredible worth in knowing he designed you to be who you more ....Love it!!!
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