how to have a healthy self-image
Gideon did not have a very good self-image (see Judges 6:15) ! Sometimes, Christians believe that speaking negatively about themselves is an indicator of humility or holiness. It isn't! So, what is a normal, healthy Christian attitude toward "self"?Here are a few thoughts that reflect a wholesome, God-centered self image
1. know God created me, and He loves me.
2. I have faults and weaknesses, and I want to change. I believe God is working in my life. He is changing me bit by bit, day by day. While He is doing so, I can still enjoy myself and my life.
3. Everyone has faults, so I am not a complete failure just because I am not perfect.
4. I am going to work with God to overcome my weaknesses, but I realize that I will always have something to deal with; therefore, I will not become discouraged when God convicts me of areas in my life that need improvement.
5. I want to make people happy and have them like me, but my sense of worth is not dependent on what others think of me. Jesus has already affirmed my value by His willingness to die for me.
6. I will not be controlled by what people think, say, or do. Even if they totally reject me, I will survive. God has promised never to reject me or condemn me as long as I keep believing (see John 6:29).
7. No matter how often I fail, I am not a failure unless I quit trying. Therefore, I will not give up, because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me. He has promised never to leave me or forsake me (see Hebrews 13:5).
8. I like myself. I don't like everything I do, and I want to change-but I refuse to reject myself.
9. I am in right standing with God through Jesus Christ.
10. God has a good plan for my life. I am going to fulfill my destiny and be all I can be for His glory. I have God-given gifts and talents, and I intend to use them to help others.
11.I am nothing, and yet I am everything! In myself I am nothing, and yet in Jesus I am everything I need to be.
12: I can do all the things I need to do, and everything that God calls me to do, through His Son, Jesus Christ (see Philippians 4:13).
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