Welcome to this abide meditation I’m Bonnie Currie in the Kingdom of God victory doesn't always look the way you expect it to look andperhaps today you're not feeling very victorious I understand perhaps you're feeling more conquered than conquering but if you are in Christ the reality is that the victory has already been one for you what's keeping you from believing that today
In Romans 8 hall describes the sufferings of this present time sufferings that afflict even those who are part of the family of God does it mean God doesn’t love us he asks if we have trouble or calamity or are persecuted or hungry or destitute or in danger or threatened with death no and all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us how does this promise comfort you today
Take a deep breath and let that promise sink in
in all these things we are more than conquerors through Jesus whatever you're facing you can rest in the confidence but nothing can separate you from the strong and eternal love of Jesus in him you have the victory does this perspective offer you something that you need in a particular trial you're going through right now bring it before God right now
in gods upside down Kingdom you can rejoice in suffering and find strength in your weakness knowing that in all these things God still loves you and God will still glorified
play with me God I surrender my own ideas about what victory looks like I am braced the victory you’ve given me in Christ a victory rooted in the power of love that is stronger than death show me more what that means and how to live as one who is more than a conqueror in Jesus name I pray Amen take a and try to resend her your mind and your body in
take a deep breath and try to inhaling the power of Jesus at exhailing your worries and insecurities inhaling the promises of God and exhale ING your worries and insecurities keep your focus on your breath as we pause breathing in and all things and breathing out more than a conqueror before we go on take a moment to search your heart are there any sins you’re holding on to that you need to bring before God now confessed them knowing that God is always ready to forgive if God is for us who can ever be against us since he did not spare even his own son but gave him up for us all won't he also give us everything else Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us and he is sitting in the place of honour at gods right hand right now pleading for us and so no one can condemn us listen to Romans 8 verse 37 in the English standard version no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us I’m going to read that verse again ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through one word or phrase that you hear no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us what stood out to you hold it before God now and ask God to keep speaking to you Your victory doesn’t come through your own strength your victory comes through Jesus the one who loves you how does your heart respond to this truth Listen to Romans 8 verse 37 in the amplified Bible yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through him who loved us so much that he died for us when a verse begins in all these things it's important to look before it what are the all these things Paul is talking about well in verse 35 he lists them tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness danger and threats of death these were the kinds of sufferings hall faced what would your list be dear one you might prefer a victory that looks like immediate deliverance from your sufferings but for Paul what it means to be more than a conqueror is simply to know that even in your suffering nothing can separate you from the love of God ask God to show you what victory looks like in your context Ask God to give you the right perspective on the trials you face now Listen to Romans 8 verse 37 in the new living translation no despite all these things overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us I want you to see yourself on a battlefield you're standing there empty handed you're not wearing any armour and a terrifying band of formidable enemies are approaching fast they want to see you dead what are these enemies what forces in your life are filling you with fear right now Your enemies approach they fit arrows into their bows and take aim the arrows fly through the air tordue but something stops them Jesus stands between you and your enemies how do you respond to his appearance there soon the enemies have no arrows left empty handed they turn in defeat they haven't been able to reach you you remain perfectly safe untouched the love of Christ has protected you from every threat you see Jesus turn what do you say to him You armour then a conqueror because Jesus has given you the victory has witnessing this battle given you the courage to continue standing with Jesus no matter what is ahead Let’s pray heavenly father thank you that Jesus conquered death on the cross because of Jesus is life death and resurrection I know that nothing can separate me from your love and I believe that I am more than a conqueror through him may your love give me courage and boldness to face the trials and sufferings of this life to live confidently for you in Jesus name I pray Amen as you go today draw on the power of the resurrection and the confidence that in Jesus you can partake in the ultimate victory over sin and death an until next time may you abide in Christ
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