Monday, 9 January 2023

Un Hurried Life..

This morning I awoke with the words "LIVE LIFE FROM A ETERNAL VIEW". 

Just after that I got up and went to the bathroom. I was still pondering those words when i lifted my book to read and I opened it at page 109. 

 Some believers, however, will read "enter that rest" as an end-of- Me goal rather than a here-and-now reality. That idea is certainly

present in the context of Hebrews, but that understanding can lead to a "work now, rest later" scenario. Others say. "Id rather barn than rust out for God." By this, they seem to mean that they wou rather work for the Lord until they are totally out of gas than fall work for at all. I understand that sentiment, but, frankly would rather do neither. I long to live beneath the easy and well fitting yoke of Jesus, a yoke that isn't burdensome or exhausting

Sabbath is no afterthought, rather, Sabbath rest is primary and our good work grows out of our rest. That is not how we think twenty-first-century Western culture. We see work as primary and rest coming afterward. Eugene Peterson, pastor and translate of The Message version of the Bible, reminds us otherwise

The Hebrew evening/morning sequence conditions us to the rhythms of grace. We go to sleep, and God begins his work As we sleep he develops his covenant. We wake and are called out to participate in God's creative action. We respond in faith, in work. But always grace is previous. Grace is primary We wake into a world we didn't make, into a salvation we didn't earn Evening: God begins, without our help, his cre- ative day Morning: God calls us to enjoy and share and de- velop the work he initiated. Creation and covenant are sheer grace and there to greet us every morning."

The Hebrew mindset saw the day beginning with rest, not with work In the West, our day begins at sunrise and, basically, with work. This sequence, as Peterson points out, is telling. We tend to see rest as the place we fall into after we've worn ourselves out with work. But what if our best work begins from a place of rest? What if rest takes first priority rather than last?

The primacy of rest, or Sabbath, is also illustrated in the story of creation For the first few days, God created the heavens and the earth, separating light from darkness, waters from land, and sky

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