Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Page 48....13th July 2021--
I loved todays meditation on the Abide App ...Overcoming The Anxious Mind.

Philippians 4:6-7.... - "Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
My Life Recovery Bible (NLT) →
Dont worry about anything, instead, pray about everything.Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your heart and minds as you are in Christ Jesus.

Insight from Bible.... True happiness can be found in every situations of life when we recognise that God is at work and
always in control. Because Christ is with us and his return is certain, we can act calmly in pain and difficulty. Peace
and joy come when we focus on those things that provide Lasting values to our lives. The more we commit ourselves to knowing God's will through prayer and study of Hes word, the better
prepared we are to help ourselves and others in the process of recovery.

Meditation 8:36.....When we are anxious sometimes we try to treat our anxiety in unhealthy ways, we numb it with too much alcohol or try to forget it through over work or turn to gossip about others as a way to make ourselves feel better about ourselves. what are the unhealthy ways you try to treat your anxiety.

9:36-One right thing to do about our worries Paul says is to take them to God in prayer. Other tools God has given us to help with anxiety include trustworthy friends, the church, exercise, therapy
and medicine . 

You should always turn to God in prayer, But you can also find help in these other tools God has given.

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