Page 46-July 11th 2021
Church Service at Living Waters,
Son of Suffering- God of suffering--God that bleeds-
The longer we are on our Journey we get too much caught up on church
things we forget the intimacy with God , To Be More Like Christ.
(Isiah 43:1-3) God made himself as
You are mine- reminded me of a song I heard during the week
*God made himself as small as a mustard seed. He became a son a seed in His mothers womb. He Humble Himself.
* The other in the fire.
*Gods Love letter. ..Paul Turick likend it to a High School story
*God never promises a perfect life, but a perfect Love
*Stop worrying--Stop faking it to you make life-
*Dont loose your first love,
* Reminds us to remember the Gospel,
*Psalm 1:23
*God will keep all, if we love Him
*God will meet all our needs- Aunty Julia&Alan story
*But we still need to take action at times using Discernment--
*Romans 8:28
God works out things out for our good..
*Always come back to our first love..
Colossians 3:31-- Dwell in His Love- Need time with Jesus will only sustain us. -
*We need to know what we get at church well be degested more if we spend time with God.
*Set your affection on Jesus,- He is worthy of every part of us
* God wants us to love Him so He dosent
loose us.
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