Monday, 3 January 2022

Day 20 Purpose Driven Life.

From the video ...Forgiveness is by grace . Trust is earned 

From book ...Peacemaking is also not appeasement. Always giving in, acting like a doormat, and allowing others to always run over you is not what Jesus had in mind. He refused to back down on many issues, standing his ground in the face of evil opposition.

Talk to God before talking to the person. Discuss the problem with God. If you will pray about the conflict first instead of gossiping to a friend, you will often discover that either God changes your heart or he changes the other person without your help. All your relationships would go smoother if you would just pray more about them.

The apostle James noted that many of our conflicts are caused by prayerlessness: “What causes fights and quarrels among you? … You want something but don’t get it…. You do not have, because you do not ask God.”9 Instead of looking to God, we look to others to make us happy and then get angry when they fail us. God says, “Why don’t you come to me first?”

Feelings are not always true or logical. In fact, resentment makes us act and think in foolish ways. The psalmist admitted, “When my thoughts were bitter and my feelings were hurt, I was as stupid as an animal.” We all act beastly when hurt.

“To worry yourself to death with resentment would be a foolish, senseless thing to do” and “You are only hurting yourself with your anger.”

Delay only deepens resentment and makes matters worse. In conflict, time heals nothing; it causes hurts to fester.

A soft answer is always better than a sarcastic one. In resolving conflict, how you say it is as important as what you say. If you say it offensively, it will be received defensively.

DAY 20 Thinking about My Purpose

 POINT TO PONDER: Relationships are always worth restoring.

 VERSE TO REMEMBER: “Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody.” ROMANS 12:18 (TEV) 

QUESTION TO CONSIDER: Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?

This may sound selfish but I need to restore the relationship with myself. I have always put the other person's feelings first. So after praying to God He has shown I'm not being selfish and that this is a lie from the devil. So like Jesus I am going to stand my ground this time 😁

" Peacemaking is also not appeasement. Always giving in, acting like a doormat, and allowing others to always run over you is not what Jesus had in mind. He refused to back down on many issues, standing his ground in the face of evil opposition."

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