Saturday, 29 June 2024

Good Old Days??

Don’t resist change (4)
Saturday 29th June 2024

‘Don’t long for “the good old days.”’ Ecclesiastes 7:10 TLB

Two more reasons we resist change are: (1) It feels awkward and uncomfortable. When was the last time you tried something for the first time? Can you name it specifically? If you can’t remember, your comfort zone may have turned into a rut. A sign on a wall contained two statements. The first had an X through it. It said, ‘If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it.’ The second read, ‘If it ain’t broke – break it!’ Sometimes the only way to ‘get out of the box’ is to break out.

(2) We cling to tradition. The Pharisees could not receive the truth Jesus shared because they were bound by their traditions. And many of us still cling to tradition. We assume that if something is a tradition (a long-established pattern of behaviour), it has to be a better way. That’s not necessarily so, as change agents like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford demonstrated. Question: how many traditionalists does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: four – one to change it, and three to talk about how wonderful the old light bulb was! Bottom line: when a tradition connects you to other people or to your personal history, it can be good. If it doesn’t, maybe it’s time to try something new.

The Bible says, ‘It isn't wise to ask, “Why is everything worse than it used to be?” Having wisdom is better than an inheritance. Wisdom will protect you just like money; knowledge with good sense will lead you to life’ (Ecclesiastes 7:10-12 CEV). What changes do you need to make in your life? Think wisely about that.

In Summary, Ecclesiastes 7:10 advises against longing for the past and comparing it to the present. It reminds us not to ask unwise questions about why the former days were better. Instead, it encourages us to embrace the present with wisdom and discernment, finding joy and contentment in the blessings and opportunities that each day brings. Let us live fully in the present, cherishing the past but not allowing it to overshadow the potential and beauty of today.

I liked how this it explained  it for me.

Friday, 28 June 2024


After when I was contemplating on this I realised I want peace in my life. I use to plunge right in to the middle of the flood. But it got too exhausting!!!

All that resentment and hatred and arguing was depremental to my health. It surely was to my MENTAL health !!!!!

 I was thinking about a few ways right now that if I just plunged right in. My life would be chaotic again. My world would be turned upside down in a instant 🤪 

Living a righteous life (the right way up) is more peaceful. So as the title of today's e-mail says "DONT WAKE UP LOOKING FOR VIOLENCE"

Greg Laurie Devotional

While We Can - Greg Laurie Devotion -Friday, June 28, 2024

While We Can

“We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work.” (John 9:4 NLT)

The famous film Schindler’s List tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, a businessman during World War II who hired Jewish people to work for him. After seeing the Nazis shoot Jewish people in cold blood in a Kraków ghetto, he decided to spend his life trying to save Jews. And he was quite successful.

At the end of the film, Schindler’s factory is shut down, and he prepares to flee the country. Having saved more than one thousand Jews, he says to Itzhak Stern, the Jewish man who was assisting him, “If I just—I could have got more.”

Stern says, “Oskar, there are 1,110 people alive because of you. Look at them.”

“If I’d made more money,” Schindler says. “I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I just—”

“There will be generations,” Stern says, “because of what you did.”

“I didn’t do enough.”

“You did so much,” Stern replies.

Think about how some people, even Christians, will feel when they look back at their lives. They will say, “What a waste! I could have done so much more! I could have made a greater difference! Why didn’t I do that?”

Nothing is ever wasted if it is done with the right heart for the glory of God. For instance, someone might give up a promising career to go to the mission field. Some will say, “What a waste.”

Or, you may give up certain pleasures and activities because you don’t want to dull your spiritual life. And some will say, “What a waste. You missed out.”

Maybe you recognize that the work of the kingdom is worth investing in financially, so you give faithfully and regularly. And people say, “What a waste. You should have kept it for yourself.”

But at the end of our lives, we want to hear God say, “Well done.”

One day as Christians, we will stand at a judgment seat. This won’t be a judgment of whether we will go to Heaven. Rather, this judgment will take place in Heaven. The Bible describes it this way: “But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value” (1 Corinthians 3:13 NLT).

As Alan Redpath once put it, you can have a saved soul and a lost life.

God will look at our motives, at our whys. And if we have been faithful and served the Lord with what He has set before us, we will be rewarded. It is not enough just to get to Heaven. We want to go to Heaven having done something with our lives for God’s glory.

That is what Mary did when she anointed Jesus with the flask of costly fragrant oil. Jesus said, “She has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of time” (Mark 14:8 NLT).

God has given us all influence, opportunities, resources, and time. Let’s do what we can while we can. Because in that final day, we will wish we’d done more.

Thursday, 27 June 2024

His Eyes Are On The Sparrow.

James sent me this text 

See when you said about that song out sister act .his eye is on the sparrow.what did you say jesus meant by that again av forgot cos am taking something different from that and a knew a was a mile oot with what a thought it meant

And this was my text 

Thats so funny im watching a series called New Amsterdam and in the epsiode last night S2 E6 a woman going in for an operation was singing that 🤣🤣

the Bible it says "you are of more value than many sparrows" (Matt. 10:31).

 So if God can take care of the sparrows he'll take care of you xx

And then I found this link which I thought was interesting... His eyes are on the sparrow

Nurse name Who Dressed my Wound.

Baby Name » Girl » Bunmi
Name: Bunmi 
Meaning of Bunmi
My Gift; From Yoruba; Lucky

What nationality is Yoruba?


Yoruba, one of the three largest ethnic groups of Nigeria, concentrated in the southwestern part of that country. Much smaller, scattered groups live in Benin and northern Togo. 24 Jun 2024

Because of my pronouncesation of words i didnt like to ask the nurse her name again. I get embarrassed when i try to say peoples name i cant pronounce. So I phoned the treatment rooms today and asked her name. It is Bunmi so here is  How to pronounce Bunmi


Nowt as Queer As Folk.

English saying, "there's nowt so queer as folk", meaning "there's nothing as strange as people

Sitting In Asda

I'm watching a guy I use to know years ago. Back then he was mentally impaired now he has a carer. 

She is a Pakistani and I was watching her she had no contact with the guy and in my head I heard myself saying "IF YOUR HEARTS NO IN THE JOB WHY YOU DOING IT FOR ...IS IT JUST FOR THE MONEY"

This is me judging and criticism someone. I don't know what I'd be like as a carer???

But the I thought maybe this is what God is saying to me. Has he got my heart or am I just doing it for the blessings ..

WordFor Today "Change"

Don't resist change. (2)
Thursday 27th June 2024

By faith Abraham obeyed.' Hebrews 11:8 NKJV

Who among us wouldn’t like to have a success story like Abraham’s? He had fame, great riches and was even called ‘the friend of God’ (James 2:23 NLT). It doesn’t get better than that! But Abraham’s story begins with these words: ‘By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going’ (Hebrews 11:8 NKJV). How on earth did he do it? By faith!

Why do we resist change? Doubt and fear! We fear personal loss. Anytime change is imminent, the first question that pops into our minds is, ‘How will it affect me?’ For example, suppose a co-worker approaches you and says, ‘I just heard the boss is thinking about laying off some people.’ Is your first thought, ‘I wonder what market conditions triggered that decision?’ Or is it, ‘I bet he feels bad about having to do that!’ No, probably your first thought is, ‘Am I at risk?’ That’s simply human nature.

The second we face change we can quickly feel alone and helpless. Where do you find strength in such moments? In God! His promise is: ‘“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me”’ (Hebrews 13:5-6 NKJV)? Relax! That which is unknown to you is fully known to God. And the one who has always taken care of you has already gone ahead to prepare the way (see Deuteronomy 31:8).

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Peters Vision "CLEAN OR UNCLEAN"

When Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticised him. “You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them!” they said.

Thursday 27 June 2024.

Acts 11:2-3
Criticism always stings. It must have been so hard for Peter to face a barrage of criticism when he returned to Jerusalem. God had given him a vision and opened his eyes to a new world in which God was wanting to welcome everyone to himself. This turned Peter’s previous thinking on its head and this discovery clearly excited him. How discouraging it must have been to face up to his critics. But we can learn a lot from the way that he did so.

He would have fully understood where his critics were coming from because, before his recent revelation, he would have thought exactly the same way. So, he patiently went through his testimony. He told them about the remarkable vision and the way in which the Gentile visitors from Caesarea had come and received the gift of salvation. Peter’s hearers in Jerusalem were silenced by his story and offered no further objections. Instead, they praised God and acknowledged that he was now willing to accept even the Gentiles (see vv4-18).

It’s never pleasant being criticised but the best response is to do exactly what Peter did. He gave a calm and thoughtful account of his experiences, explaining how he had come to his conclusion. It is always a bad response to be defensive and, worst of all, to be rude. When you share your story, your hearers won’t necessarily be persuaded, but if you have shared it carefully and calmly it will give a basis for further conversation. We all need to pray for the wisdom, strength and grace to handle criticism. In that way God is honoured and people are built up.


What have you learned from this story about the way in which you could handle criticism in the future?


Lord help me to learn from Paul’s example. Please give me your wisdom so that I may always respond to criticism with love, thoughtfulness and grace. Amen

When I was reading this e-mail this morning it reminded me of something I had read about Peters vision he had but I couldn't think were I had read it.

It's from a e-mail I got from Premier on Tuesday 25 June 2024

Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favouritism.  In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. This is the message of Good News for the people of Israel—that there is peace with God through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.

Acts 10:34-36
This might not sound revolutionary to us today, but it is important to understand that Peter’s world had just been turned upside down. He had been brought up with the Old Testament idea that it was only the people of Israel whom God had chosen to be a special people. The Jews had been given very clear rules about what they should and shouldn’t eat. However, Peter had just had a vision in which he had been told to do the unthinkable. He had seen a large sheet containing all kinds of four-footed animals, reptiles and birds, and he was told he could eat any of them. His response was exactly the right one for any Jew. He said no. But then the voice said to him, “Do not call something unclean if God has made it clean” (v15). This happened three times before the penny dropped. God was telling him that the good news of Jesus was no longer limited to the Jews. The doors had been flung open to the world.

The Church must always have its doors open to everyone. The moment we limit access to Jesus to a narrow group of people we have fundamentally missed the point.

Jim was a road sweeper who attended the church that I went to as a child. He was very different from anyone else who came to that church. He didn’t know the rules and would often come in halfway through the service and bang his glass milk bottle down on the hard wooden pew. He was poor, and his command of English was not great, but he was made completely welcome. Many people went out of their way to include him. The church was where he belonged. I’m grateful for that picture of welcome indelibly imprinted on my mind.  


Is your church welcoming to every kind of person? If not, what could you do to make it so?


Lord Jesus, thank you that your arms are open to everyone. Help me reflect your love to those I meet day by day. 

I loved this post 🤣🤣 God made me fat because he knew if I was skinny I'd be a slut

Taking Responsibilty Of Your Life

#1 link I found 
We do this by taking responsibility to live a life pleasing to him. Want to dig deeper and learn about being responsible? Check out Proverbs 6:6-11, Luke 16:10, and 2 Corinthians 9:6.

#2 link I found 
God expects us to take responsibility for our actions—instead of refusing to take responsibility and blaming God (or others) for our mistakes—and He aids those who do (Proverbs 28:13). Every human being will have to give an account for his or her life and actions (Galatians 6:4-5; Hebrews 4:13

Not everyone Like You.

You know, right? That it’s impossible for everyone to like you. That it’s never going to happen—everyone appreciating or understanding or enjoying what you do. On the contrary, lots of people are going to dislike you. The more popular you get—the more people like you—the more people will discredit, disavow, and disapprove of you. That’s just a fact.

Think of Marcus Aurelius. He ruled over an empire of 50 million people. Even if he was widely beloved, even if he was somehow the most popular sovereign who ever lived, millions of people would have hated him. (And how many people today pick up a brilliant work like Meditations and then throw it down, saying ‘Not for me.’) Seneca was a widely known and celebrated playwright in his time, to say nothing of the reception to his philosophical works. Yet plenty of people thought he was the worst. Indeed, one of the sources we have on Seneca’s wealth and his supposed-hypocrisy comes from Publius Suillius Rufus, a guy whose dislike for Seneca could be said to border on full-throated hatin’. Certainly he wasn’t the only Seneca-hater before, at the time or since.

Daily Stoic is pretty popular—almost one million people get this email every morning and millions more follow us on Instagram and YouTube and TikTok. Millions listen to the Daily Stoic podcast each month. Millions of people have bought the books. You know what is simultaneously true though? Lots of other people hate Daily Stoic. They think it’s too this or that, not enough this or that. They were fans and think it fell off. They think it’s too commercial. They think it’s too broad. They think it’s not as good as the actual writings of the Stoics. And you know what? They’re right. It is those things to them. Their opinions are correct, to them.

Part of serenity but also success in living is knowing what feedback to listen to and what to ignore. It’s focusing on what you control (your work, the intention you bring to it, etc) and letting go of what isn’t in your control (how other people interpret it, how well or not well it does). Being loved or understood by or appreciated by everyone is not something that is in your control. In our episode of the podcast with Tim Ferriss, we touched on this: It can be almost overwhelming to consider just how many people don’t like you out there!

You have to be able to tune most of it out. You have to be able to filter the constructive from the cruel, the stuff that gets you closer to where you’re trying to go—personally, professionally, ethically—and the stuff that has more to do with someone else’s view of those things. You have to accept that nobody ever on earth—including Marcus Aurelius or Cato or Gandhi—was well-liked by everyone.

Detractors and haters are a part of life…and they may well be a sign you’re doing something right.

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Finding Out About Mary Magdaline.

I use to think Mary was the lady that was brought before jesus for adultry by the pharisees to catch out jesus...which said in here.

But when I watched The Choosen jesus healed her of 7 demons. 

So I'm not sure who she was. Maybe when I'm trying to figure her out I'll find out more about me too.

A lot of info about her on  here

Overeater Anonomus First Meeting..

Was at my first meeting last night at Overeaters Anonymous and I really liked it. As I shared it's not the steps that make it for me it's the people.

That's one of the reason I love Recovery Groups. You learn so much from other peoples experiences.  One of the things I learned at the groups was acronyms and here is one of them .... HOPE: Hearing Other People Experiences.

Also I love their literature.  Last night I bought two books on my kindle. 12 Steps and 12 Traditions for Overeaters Anonymous. And a book called For Today, it's a wee Devotional which I also love too.

Here is the message For Today,  which just fits in with my jigsaw of life.

June 26 

It is better to light a candle, than curse the darkness. Chinese proverb 

Coming to OA opened a tiny crack in the wall I put up to protect myself. What I saw was so interesting I considered letting in a little more light—a truly frightening proposition. To look at my defenses is to see myself, perhaps for the first time.
    Although I have found many benefits in looking inward, I still tend to resist. It’s only when I’m tired of stumbling around in the dark that I stop muttering about “the way things are” and turn on the light that will lead me to new freedom. 

For today: What do I need to write about? I do not have to be afraid to look into my heart and put down what I find.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Coincidence or Godincident ?

It's so funny I started a Bible plan on my youversion app 2 days ago and todays reading asks us to do this very plan 

                     Unveil The Bible

Today's Stoic Meditation "Opposite"


“What assistance can we find in the fight against habit? Try the opposite!” —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 1.27.4 

Viktor Frankl, the brilliant psychologist and Holocaust survivor, cured patients suffering from phobias or neurotic habits using a method he called “paradoxical intention.” Let’s say a patient couldn’t sleep. The standard therapy would have been something obvious, like relaxation techniques. Frankl instead encouraged the patient to try not to fall asleep. He found that shifting focus off the problem deflected the patient’s obsessive attention away from it and allowed them to eventually sleep normally. Fans of the TV show Seinfeld might remember an episode called “The Opposite” where George Costanza magically improves his life by doing the opposite of whatever he’d normally do. “If every instinct you have is wrong,” Jerry says to him, “then the opposite would have to be right.” The larger point is that sometimes our instincts or habits get stuck in a bad pattern that pushes us further from our natural, healthy selves. Now you shouldn’t immediately toss out everything in your life—some stuff is working (you’re reading this book!). But what if you explored opposites today? What if you broke the pattern?

The Bible Unveiled

The Bible Unveiled

I love this Devotional what stood out today 26th June ...was this verse ‭2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV‬
[6] For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

It stood out because the word light.  I just read recently....
#From a series on netflix I'm watching just now "IS THERE LIGHT, YES BUT YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES" ( a song came to me when I wrote that there called open the eyes of my heart lord. That's were jesus is in our hearts).

#June 26 It is better to light a candle, than curse the darkness. Chinese proverb

 Coming to OA opened a tiny crack in the wall I put up to protect myself. What I saw was so interesting I considered letting in a little more light—a truly frightening proposition. To look at my defenses is to see myself, perhaps for the first time. Although I have found many benefits in looking inward, I still tend to resist. It’s only when I’m tired of stumbling around in the dark that I stop muttering about “the way things are” and turn on the light that will lead me to new freedom. 

For today: What do I need to write about? I do not have to be afraid to look into my heart and put down what I find.

So time to open my eyes of my heart and see the light that's in there so I can heal. 

Monday, 24 June 2024

Stay Away From Hot Tempered People



 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared. —PROVERBS 22:24–25 

I advise not getting into deep personal relationships with hot-tempered, angry people, but if you already are in one and can’t get out of it, you can learn not to let the unhappy person make you unhappy. The angry person could be your boss, your spouse, one of your children, a parent, or someone else. In our world today, there is no shortage of angry people. You cannot control what others do, but you can learn, with God’s help, not to let them control you. As a matter of fact, the worst thing you can do for an angry person is to allow them to control you because that will keep them stuck in the same place. When Dave and I married, I was an angry woman due to the abuse I suffered during my childhood. Of course, Dave never saw my anger while we were dating because I hid it, but eventually it did reveal itself. He tried for a while to make me happy and finally decided that, no matter what he did, I was not going to be happy, so he told me he was finished trying. He said that he was going to be happy and enjoy his life and hoped that I would decide to join him. But if I didn’t, he continued, he was not going to let it affect him. Of course, what he said to me made me even angrier than I already was for a while, but eventually it gave me the desire to get to the root of my problem and let God help me change. Dave always loved me, but he didn’t let me control him. If you are dealing with an angry person, I recommend that you do likewise. “Father, give me the strength to remain peaceful and joyful, no matter how the people around me behave. Help me show them Your love without letting them affect my joy with their bad attitudes. Thank You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

isaiah 53...Root out of dry ground..

‭Isaiah 53:1-2 NIV‬
[1] Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? [2] He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

Once again this image has came to me. A root out of dry ground. 

The other day when I was out a walk with  Emilia she didn't like a tree because it's roots were showing. I had written a blog about it here.

But reading this scripture what stood out was "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him."

Even though it's roots were showing it was still a beautiful tree to me. It's funny how people judge things without getting to know how it was like that. I searched to see why it's roots were like that and found is was because of its environment. It wasn't getting oxygen to grow so some of the roots came to the surface to help the tree grow.

People looked at jesus like this. They were waiting on the wrong kind of king. 

Tree Roots

Tree roots have came up a lot just now. I had written a blog early about it. Then I received this email from And I just loved it. Here are some bits that really stood out ......

Rather than complain that it's taking too long for your fruit-producing season to arrive, you need to thank God for this time in your life! Take this time to send your roots down deep and tap into the strength of God's Word and God's Spirit. If your roots are securely fixed in Jesus Christ, you will outlast every season, every foul climate, and every storm. Eventually you will enter into the finest fruit-producing season of your life, your ministry, your family, or your business.

Honestly, you need to thank God that things haven't happened faster in your life! Have you ever seen someone who reached success too quickly? That person usually loses his success just as quickly as he gained it because he didn't have the roots and the experience necessary to maintain the success he gained. When people achieve success too quickly, it often means they don't have the roots, the depth, and the sure foundation to bear them up in the difficult times they will encounter as they go through the seasons of life.

So take this time to work on your personal life, your mind, your thinking, your discipline, your finances, your weight, your relationships, and your behavior. While you are waiting for that fruit-producing season to come to pass in your life, use this time to put off the old man and to put on the new man (Colossians 3:9,10). Spend this phase of your life wisely by renewing your mind to the Word of God (Ephesians 4:23) and being certain your affections are set on things above, not on things of this earth (Colossians 3:2).

If you use your time wisely, there will be no wasted time in your life. But if you just sit around and complain that it's taking too long to get where you want to go, you will waste time. Sitting and complaining doesn't make anything happen faster - and it often further delays the manifestation of the answer you've been waiting for.

So refuse to belong to those who are grumpy and complaining all the time. Instead, look at this time in your life as a blessing sent from Heaven to help you get yourself rooted deeply in Jesus Christ! Then send your limbs upward and outward as you tap into the power of God. Eventually you'll begin to see blossoms budding in your life, signaling that you are about to enter your long-awaited season of bringing forth much fruit!

The last part about the grumbling is really interesting. I've notice just now, that is all what somepeople do is moan and grumble ...even myself!!!!

Then I was reminded of israelites Because of their grumbling it took them longer to get into the Promised land.

 So stop moaning and get a better attitude. So you can start to bloom and bearfruit.and also faith.

I liked this blog i gound of The story of the Israelites


         Found this photo on this link   December 26th LIFE IS LONG—IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT  “It’s not at all that we have too...