Saturday, 10 August 2024

Victim Mentality

A Victim Mentality
A victim is someone who is harmed by another. A victim is involved in an unfortunate situation-the victim of a car acci dent, a fire, a robbery, or someone who has been abused. The victim is harmed and was unable to do anything to prevent the harm. Many people are victims of various unfortunate situations, but they can recover with God's help unless they develop a "vie tim mentality" and refuse to let it go...

I was a victim of sexual abuse, and for many years I lived as a victim. I felt sorry for myself, used my past as an excuse for a bad attitude and bad behavior, and had a chip on my shoulder, a feeling that the world owed me preferential treatment because l was a victim. That wrong attitude never made my life any better, it just kept me trapped in the pain of my past.

God's Word tells us to let go of the past and trust God to be our vindicator. It is, of course, not easy, but it is easier than remaining a victim. God wants to give us victory, but we need a victorious mind-set. Where the mind goes the man follows (see Proverbs 23:7). If our thinking is according to the truth found in Gods Word, then our living will ultimately be what God intended form us also.

If you have been a victim and you feel that the things you sul fered are still affecting you, try this: Lie in bed for a few minute after waking up and think some thoughts on purpose. Think lik this: This is the day God has made and given to me as a gift. I will not waste it! My past is behind me, and nothing from the past can have any effect on me if I don't allow it to. God is on my side, and I choose to live this day energetically, enthusiastically, and passionately. By the grace of God, I will get up and put my time into things that have purpose, 1 resist the devil, and he will not steal my time today!

Be prepared to do this day after day, and you will soon begin 10 see results. It takes time to renew the mind, so don't be disap- pointed if you do not get immediate results. It is great if you do get them, but at least be prepared not to give up and to be deter mined to keep doing the right thing. Beginning each day with this mind-set helps you get your day started right.

Perhaps millions of people lie in bed each day and think, I don't want to is miserable. Nothing good ever get up. My life happens to me. All my life people have taken advantage of me. I hate my life and I dread facing another day. I woke up daily for many years with some version of this type of thinking. I was miserable, and I made myself more miserable with my own thoughts and atti- tude. I was unaware that I could do anything about my life, so 1 remained a victim. But, thank God, He has given me the victory through Christ! He wants to give that same victory to anyone who has been a victim and needs redemption.

But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors) through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 15:57 (AMPC)
Seize the Day 88/89

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